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iTunes Bookstore

…official business now. I emailed this into the Apple black hole and am now waiting for a response. Apparently, this isn’t automated. There are monkeys at the other end who…

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It’s in! Brigitta is in iTunes!

FINALLY. After this interminable period of time, and with NO NOTIFICATION, “Brigitta of the White Forest” became available on iTunes. Wow. What an ordeal. I honestly hope Apple wises up…

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Tod McCoy

Tod McCoy is a Seattle-based writer whose work has appeared in Asimov’s, Starward Tales II, The People’s Apocalypse, Bronies: For the Love of Ponies,,, and The Gloaming. A…

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Birth of the House of Hydra

…a press, and I intend to try and stay abreast of emerging technologies. In the coming days I’ll have more information posted about the press and the services I’ll be…

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“Narine of Noe” is launched!

…the story that started it all … Current available from Amazon in ebook and print formats. And: This weekend only we’ve got special deals! Get the ebook for only $4.99!…

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