We have cover art for “Near+Far”!
With the release of Cat Rambo’s two-volume collection of short fiction about a month away, we’re ready to reveal the cover art to be used for the book. Artist Sean Counley (www.seancounley.com) out of Great Britain put together two FABULOUS images, one for “Near” and one for “Far.”
Here is the art for “Near,” which is an image taken from “The Mermaids Singing, Each to Each.”
Below is the art for “Far”:
Which was inspired by the story “Amid the Words of War.”
Impressive, no? We’re pretty stoked about the book! We’ve got blurbs, and reviews, and everything is looking great. We’ll have the book available for presale soon, and if you happen to be at ChiCon (the World Science Fiction Convention), watch for Cat’s book release party. She has promised gummy bears that have been drowned in something.