It’s in! Brigitta is in iTunes!
FINALLY. After this interminable period of time, and with NO NOTIFICATION, “Brigitta of the White Forest” became available on iTunes. Wow. What an ordeal. I honestly hope Apple wises up and makes things easier.
While I’m glad it’s there, one other complaint to lodge: There appears to be no direct link to the book. Meaning, I can’t drop a link here on the blog and say “Buy Brigitta through iTunes!” As far as I can tell, you literally have to open your iTunes, click on the Store, and then search for “Brigitta of the White Forest.” It should come up. It’s priced at a modest $4.95, not bad as far as ebooks go.
So what do I do with the Mac G3 I bought specifically for uploading books to iTunes? Guess it becomes a footrest until I need it again …