Hey, so what’s going on with Hydra House?
Oh, so many things in the works! Watch for a complete web redesign in the next few months. And more books in the works! Also, a slight name change — up until now it’s just been “Hydra House” (much like “Random House”), but we think that’s not very specific, especially for someone who isn’t familiar with the company. So “Hydra House Books” it is! (I mean, the URL already says that.)
If you’ve sent a manuscript someone in the last year, we just discovered that the JotForm wasn’t working right and we probably didn’t get the manuscript. (Really sorry about that.) We have no idea how long it’s been going on, so if you sent something, either send an email to tod@hydrahousebooks.com or resubmit the manuscript using the newly fixed form. (“Submissions” in the menu.)