And … viola! Welcome to the brand new, redesigned website!
With the greatest pleasure, we present the newly updated Hydra House Books website. Redesigned from the ground up by Clockpunk Studios (thank you, Jeremy Tolbert and Jenn Reese!), it has a lot of fancy new functionality and, most importantly, a brilliant new design.
It’s got some fancy new things, like a calendar of events. And easy peasy ways for us to enter new books. And all kinds of crazy gizmos behind the scenes that we’ll probably never use. It’s also got this cool graphic at the top of the screen where the two Hs in Hydra House come smoothly together. You’ll have to go back to the home page to see it. Go on, do it. Oooooohh. Pretty snazzy, huh?
HHB has been pretty quiet the past few months, but we’re regrouping and planning to do more publishing in the coming year. Like Book 6, the sixth and final installment, in Danika Dinsmore’s middle-grade series Faerie Tales from the White Forest. Stop back from time to time to see what’s new. Or sign up for the newsletter and we’ll keep in touch with you.
As a gift to y’all, we are presenting a short story by Sandra M. Odell, “The Home for Broken,” from her 2018 collection Godfall and Other Stories, available here through Hydra House Books. Original to the collection, it’s an amazing and moving story about a wind-up child that must be … well, you’ll just have to read it.
Thanks for dropping by!
Tod McCoy
Hydra House Books Overlord