Cover reveal! “Godfall and Other Stories” by Sandra M. Odell
At last! Hydra House is very excited to reveal the cover of Sandra M. Odell’s upcoming collection of short fiction, Godfall and Other Stories. Edited by author and SFWA president Cat Rambo, the collection features 23 stories, published and unpublished, all that amble along the edge of dark places that border horror, fantasy, and the psyche.
Cover art by the fantastic British artist David Whitlam (
Publishers Weekly’s review said that “this powerful second collection” marks Sandra as “a writer to watch.”
The table of contents includes:
The Home for Broken
The Poison Eater
Listening to It Rain
The Business of Rats
Telling Stories
Exchanges, No Refunds
How Toby Told Time
The Hydra Wife
Good Boy
Life Line
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Just Be
Curtain Call
The Vessel Never Asks For More Wine
Black Widow
Lost in Translation
Truth Is A Stranger To Fiction
A Troll’s Trade
The scheduled publication date is April 18, and will be available from all major online book outlets as well as the University Bookstore in Seattle.
And if you’re in the Seattle area, come listen to Sandra read at the University Bookstore on April 18!