We have cover sign!!
What I mean is, we have new covers! But I’m sure there aren’t THAT many MST3K fans still lurking around that get my obscure little reference. (Are there?)
Recently we nailed down the final art for the two books coming up in the Spring. The first is the cover art for K.C. Ball’s “Snapshot from a Black Hole and Other Oddities,” done by the impeccable Christopher Sumption (http://www.chrissumption.com/):

Gorgeous, isn’t it? Chris did a fabulous job with this and we’re excited to have it on the cover of K.C.’s book.
The other one is the cover for the sequel to “Brigitta of the White Forest” by Danika Dinsmore, entitled “The Ruins of Noe”:

Also gorgeous, isn’t it? This cover was done by artist Julie Fain (www.juliefain.com) who is a fabulous artist! Check out other work by both of these fine artists.
And what’s that? You notice a theme with these covers? Maybe the RED COLOR?? Quite by accident. Wasn’t planned that way, but it’s just how both covers came out.
Stay tuned for more books to come next year from Hydra House!